Hello and a very warm welcome to confidential online therapy with me, Elizabeth Paterson a BACP Accredited counsellor

Having some tough times? Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or lost?

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Step into a space where your story matters

I will listen to you with care and warmth, we can look for insights or different perspectives as we address your concerns and find a way forward. Together, we will set a pace that feels right for you. My goal is to make every online counselling session rewarding and comfortable. It’s time to live your life your way.

I became a counsellor after transformative experiences in my own therapy. Talking to a professional removed from everyday life was incredibly helpful for me. I want to provide you with the same understanding, respect, and unwavering support I received. We will work on uncovering your inner strengths, embracing your journey, and achieving the positive changes you seek.

Respect for your Uniqueness

Your uniqueness is respected and welcomed here. We can explore how your personal experiences intersect with your identity. We can consider factors like gender, sexual and relationship diversity, social background, age, religion, ethnicity, ability, neurodiversity, health, heritage, education, and political beliefs.

Online counselling can be a safe place to reveal parts of yourself that you may hide in wider society.

Online Counselling Options

We can use Microsoft Teams for our sessions, allowing you to benefit from being in your own home, car or wherever it is you feel comfortable. Some people like the relaxation of a pet or a soothing drink nearby. Teams is user-friendly, it works on phones, laptops, and tablets.  Check out my tips for online counselling here. To enhance confidentiality, you will not need to log in to Teams for our sessions.

Alternatively, you may prefer telephone sessions, which rely less on good internet connections and can reduce anxiety for those uncomfortable with using a camera.

I also offer email therapy through ProtonMail, which is highly secure and confidential. Email therapy allows pauses for reflection and considered responses, and you can write at a time that suits you.

These are all free for you to use.

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My professionalism

I am an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and adhere to their Ethical Framework for Counselling Professionals. I am also a Level 2 Professional Member of the Association for Counselling & Therapy Online (ACTO). This means I take great care my online counselling work is professional, with sincere respect for you. Confidentiality is a priority, as is my commitment to providing you with a safe and ethically sound place for you to talk. I stay up to date with the latest research and training and follow all relevant legislation to keep your data secure.

Counselling fees and availability

Online Counselling sessions cost £50 per 60-minute and payments can be made through bank transfer.

Afternoon and evening appointments are available on weekdays.

You can choose how often we have sessions, whether weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. It’s your choice.

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Free consultation

Seeking online counselling can be daunting — I have been there.

I offer a free 15-minute conversation where we can get to know each other, and you can ask any questions. There is no commitment to work with me; it’s simply an opportunity to learn more.

Photo of Elizabeth Paterson

When you’re ready to tell your story, I’m here for you. 

I Can Help You:

  • Reduce stress & anxiety

  • Improve your relationships

  • Adjust to major life transitions

  • Make positive changes

  • Build your self esteem

  • Process grief & loss

  • Heal from trauma

  • Understand your emotions

  • Challenge your depression

I provide online counselling in Leeds, throughout the UK, Europe, and Worldwide

My Memberships & Accreditations

Elizabeth Paterson's BACP Membership
Counselling Directory
ACTO membership logo
Mental Health First Aider
Certified Facilitator of Lego Serious Play
ACTO membership logo
Pink therapy Elizabeth Paterson
Trained by Online Therapy Institute
Counsellingo counselling.online

My Contact Details

If you are in need of more urgent t support please contact the Samaritans on 116123 or text Shout to 85258.

If your life is in imminent danger, please call 999